• Spring back into action with timely treatment for your ailing knee
  • Swing ahead in your performance with a renewed shoulder
  • Don’t let pain steal your best move
  • Joint replacement surgery the key to an active life

General Appointment

Andrew L DeGruccio, M.D.
Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon

For all appointments and inquiries, please call (502) 762-9528.

Our phone systems are being transitioned and there might be some outages.

We are happy to hear from you. Please contact us using the information below:

Main Office | Fern Creek

9370 Cedar Center Way
Louisville, KY 40291

Phone: (502) 762-9528
Fax: (502) 762-9529

We are on Facebook click here to find out more.

Please arrive 30 minutes early for your appointment for registration and to fill in a health questionnaire.

When you come for your Appointments, please remember to bring the following

  • Driver’s License or a valid ID
  • Insurance information
  • Referral Letter (if required)
  • Reports, X-rays, MRI's, CT scans etc. and any other relevant information
  • List of medications (if any)

To cancel an appointment

Telephone the office during business hours and allow at least 1 days’ notice so that we can offer your appointment time to patients on our waiting list.

We recognize that your time is valuable, and we make every effort to run on time. Occasionally emergencies or patients require a little more time, and these cause scheduling delays beyond our control. We apologize if we keep you waiting.